interdisciplinary / ˌɪn tərˈdɪs ə pləˌnɛr i /


interdisciplinary 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. combining or involving two or more academic disciplines or fields of study: The economics and history departments are offering an interdisciplinary seminar on Asia.
  2. combining or involving two or more professions, technologies, departments, or the like, as in business or industry.

interdisciplinary 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective

combining two or more academic fields


  1. “Virtual reality has been transforming the world for decades,” said Jaron Lanier, an interdisciplinary scientist at Microsoft.
  2. The Smithsonian has educational programs that explore current events and an interdisciplinary approach that many teachers and students enjoy, Bunch said.
  3. She says, “What excites me is what we can achieve by being interdisciplinary and bringing together these levels of expertise to generate more sustainable materials.”
  4. Her team is one of many working across the globe on interdisciplinary efforts considered part of the field of planetary health.
  5. Schlacter is an interdisciplinary artist and designer from Brooklyn, New York.
  6. She studied interdisciplinary drama at NYU to learn how to create and produce theater.
  7. So it was with Ariel Anbar, a student at the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya studying politics.
  8. The frontier ethnographer then, because of his interdisciplinary approach, can capture the spirit of pioneer life.