synthesizing / ˈsɪn θəˌsaɪz /


synthesizing2 个定义

v. 有主动词 verb

syn·the·sized, syn·the·siz·ing.

  1. to form by combining parts or elements: to synthesize a statement.
  2. Chemistry. to combine into a single or unified entity.
  3. to treat synthetically.
v. 无主动词 verb

syn·the·sized, syn·the·siz·ing.

  1. to make or form a synthesis.

synthesizing 近义词

v. 动词 verb

combine; make whole


  1. Ones and zeros of digital information are mapped onto sequences of the four nucleic acids of DNA, synthesized, and inserted into cells.
  2. Their Diamond Life debut established Sade as masters of a quiet storm-style mood music at a time when both pop and R&B radio overflowed with chintzy keyboards and synthesized beat machines.
  3. Then Moritz pivoted to synthesizing the research on fire in the WUI.
  4. The national security adviser’s job is to take in information from all parts of government, synthesize it, prepare options for the president on how to deal with all that information, and then present it in an unbiased way.
  5. It combines AI models, a cloud computing platform, and robots to help scientists design and synthesize new molecules while working from home.
  6. In 1999, researcher Floyd Romesberg and his group started by synthesizing the original letters that make up the base pairs of DNA.
  7. This makes the achievements of Emil Fischer in synthesizing sugars and proteids appear as mere childs play.
  8. Synthesizing ideas is an instance of the self-constitution of the human being.
  9. Why does a synthesizing factor such as rhyme occur at the end of the verse?
  10. The sidewalks stopped moving, the air conditioners stopped conditioning, the food synthesizers stopped synthesizing, and so on.
  11. That is how I see things; that is how the universe, in response to my demand for a synthesizing aspect, presents itself to me.