inobtrusive / ˌɪn əbˈtru sɪv /


inobtrusive 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective

inobtrusive 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective



  1. And she drew her hand away from his as quietly as she was able, but not without a certain small inobtrusive sympathetic pressure.
  2. The little inobtrusive haven of Beer was in every way convenient for smugglers, and was naturally much beloved by them.
  3. He did the cleaning himself, and was as efficient and inobtrusive a housewife as any woman.
  4. These are inobtrusive, silent testimonies; but they are here, and need only to be sought to unfold their prophecies.
  5. It enabled him to detect accessible moments, do inobtrusive friendly services, and above all amuse his quarry.