informing / ɪnˈfɔrm /


informing3 个定义

v. 有主动词 verb
  1. to give or impart knowledge of a fact or circumstance to: He informed them of his arrival.
  2. to supply with knowledge of a matter or subject: She informed herself of all the pertinent facts.
  3. to give evident substance, character, or distinction to; pervade or permeate with manifest effect: A love of nature informed his writing.
v. 无主动词 verb
  1. to give information; supply knowledge or enlightenment: a magazine that entertains more than it informs.
v. 动词组 verb
  1. inform on, to furnish incriminating evidence about to an authority, prosecuting officer, etc.: He informed on his accomplices.

informing 近义词

v. 动词 verb

communicate knowledge, information


  1. She could have done what Sarah did, if she weren’t too principled to mine her past that way, she informs us.
  2. In any case, I have been informed that the Birds are doing a little better as of late.
  3. A man in a tie informed us that they were running about 15 minutes behind.
  4. Website accessibility complaints brought against dentists has influenced the American Dental Association to take action by informing all of its members of the threat at hand.
  5. John says he arrived at the hospital about an hour later, and doctors soon informed him and his mother that Yaroslav appeared to have pneumonia.
  6. The real-life reporting wound up informing the plot of the novel and some of the characters.
  7. Then Obama stunned John and his wife Diane, informing them of the failed special operations rescue mission from early July.
  8. The process for informing the Senate and House intelligence committees is often shrouded in secrecy.
  9. The Ordain Women website posted some of Harrison's email to Kelly informing her of her excommunication.
  10. The article was then updated with a note informing readers that the content of the piece did not reflect the views of the staff.
  11. Unfortunately he acted hurriedly, and, without informing the Emperor, entered into negotiations with the enemy.
  12. I there received a letter informing me that the Board would offer me the vacant seat if it really was my wish to retire so soon.
  13. On the same day M. Roland received a letter from the king informing him that he was dismissed from office.
  14. Why did she not insist on informing her husband at least of her cousin's lapse, of her ignoble stratagem?
  15. As soon as possible, however, she returned to her task, informing her mother frequently of the progress of the fire.