in-built / ˈɪnˈbɪlt /


in-built 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective

in-built 近义词


等同于 ingrained


等同于 inherent


等同于 built-in


  1. His life as a man is built around health insurance and tax services.
  2. This is a guy who has his son-in-law clean his eyeglasses, for crying out loud.
  3. The Virologist By Andrew Marantz, New Yorker How a young entrepreneur built an empire by repackaging memes.
  4. Her travel clique has been known to arrive at an airport, bags packed, passport-in-hand, within hours of spotting a deal.
  5. They carved a refuge out of the wilderness and then, in 200 years, built it into the most powerful nation on earth.
  6. I was an Innkeeper, who loved to carouse; J was a Joiner, and built up a house.
  7. The jagged top and spurs of San Jacinto Mountain shone like the turrets and posterns of a citadel built of rubies.
  8. The private chapel, built out from the house on the side next Calne, had not been used for years and years.
  9. Such throats are trying, are they not?In case one catches cold; Ah, yes!
  10. He hardly recognised himself, for, the foundations being shaken, all that was built upon them trembled too.