imprinting / ɪmˈprɪn tɪŋ /


imprinting 的定义

n. 名词 noun

Animal Behavior, Psychology.

  1. rapid learning that occurs during a brief receptive period, typically soon after birth or hatching, and establishes a long-lasting behavioral response to a specific individual or object, as attachment to parent, offspring, or site.


  1. More channels, more competition for the viewers' attention, means fewer shows imprinting themselves on the culture.
  2. The new oil paint, that is, reveals the sacred story of spiritual light imprinting on matter better than ever before.
  3. Imprinting is introduced in Eclipse as an involuntary, lifelong attachment to a soul mate.
  4. The fastidious and leisurely still seal their envelopes with wax, imprinting thus their monogram.
  5. Chocolate manufacturers seemed to have a passion for imprinting their Quakerly names on every bit of stuff they sold.
  6. Each morning the child greets his father by imprinting a kiss upon the hand.
  7. He shook his head, his eyes roaming over her hungrily, imprinting every detail of her beauty on his memory to stay.
  8. From whom was the paper purchased on which appears the imprinting on the exhibit identified here as Commission Exhibit No. 996.