imploring / ɪmˈplɔr /


imploring2 个定义

v. 有主动词 verb

im·plored, im·plor·ing.

  1. to beg urgently or piteously, as for aid or mercy; beseech; entreat: They implored him to go.
  2. to beg urgently or piteously for: implore forgiveness.
v. 无主动词 verb

im·plored, im·plor·ing.

  1. to make urgent or piteous supplication.

imploring 近义词

v. 动词 verb



  1. Rachel Maddow reveals that her partner, Susan, tested positive for Covid-19 and is still recovering, and implores viewers to consider their loved ones when they calculate their own Covid-19 risk.
  2. After her narrow defeat in the governor’s race, Abrams implored her party to invest in Georgia for the 2020 presidential election.
  3. Over the summer, representatives of the NAACP visited Ruby’s parents, imploring them to enroll her in first grade at William Frantz.
  4. He brought up an article in Boston Magazine in which writer Scott Kearnan implored, “If you would have braved the freezing cold for a Patriots game, you should do it to save local restaurants, too.”
  5. In May, Barr wrote a directive to all Justice Department employees imploring them to be “particularly sensitive to safeguarding the Department’s reputation for fairness, neutrality, and non-partisanship” when it comes to election-related crimes.
  6. Local vendors practically throw themselves in front of the commuter traffic, imploring passengers to take horse rides.
  7. He laughed at the notion of the White House calling Greenwald and imploring him to hold off on publication.
  8. Sher lapsed into prayer, imploring Allah to make the executions stop.
  9. Accusations of transphobia flooded in, GLAAD complained, and a petition circulated imploring TLC not to rerun the episode.
  10. Jones, 79, said he tried to mend fences between the two men by imploring Francis to pay off his debt.
  11. The boys were tumbling about, clinging to his legs, imploring that numerous things be brought back to them.
  12. She fixed her imploring eyes on the Virgin's face and on the saints; but all seemed to her to wear a forbidding look.
  13. He saw that Marius had disappeared, and that mademoiselle had risen and was regarding him with singularly imploring eyes.
  14. He wrote to his friends in England imploring, remonstrating, complaining of their lamentable want of public spirit.
  15. Many a time Sandy heard that imploring cry come from my lips in my sleep.