hypothecate / haɪˈpɒθ ɪˌkeɪt, hɪ- /


hypothecate 的定义

v. 有主动词 verb

hy·poth·e·cat·ed, hy·poth·e·cat·ing.

  1. to pledge to a creditor as security without delivering over; mortgage.
  2. to put in pledge by delivery, as stocks given as security for a loan.

hypothecate 近义词

v. 动词 verb



  1. The lyrics were in the true Indian language, which made it very difficult for any of the cribbers of the time to hypothecate it.
  2. She would get Carmen to hypothecate her own interest in this new company, if necessary.
  3. He will not repudiate a promise to pay while he has money in bank or securities to hypothecate.
  4. It was impossible to hypothecate mining securities of any description in Nevada or San Francisco.
  5. For it must be clearly understood that Paul is not asking us to fancy, or imagine, or hypothecate.