hunky-dory / ˈhʌŋ kiˈdɔr i, -ˈdoʊr i /


hunky-dory 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective


  1. about as well as one could wish or expect; satisfactory; fine; OK.

hunky-dory 近义词


等同于 acceptable


等同于 goodish


等同于 OK


等同于 unobjectionable


等同于 cool


等同于 dandy


等同于 agreeable


等同于 all right


等同于 all-right

hunky-dory 的近义词 2
hunky-dory 的反义词 1


  1. The NCAA even got in on the act, and—quelle surprise—also determined that everything was hunky-dory.
  2. The message: Not even Dory from Finding Nemo will distract us from the task at hand: finding a star.
  3. Sam Claflin—hunky, pretty, beautiful Sam Claflin—won the highly sought-after role.
  4. There is no doubt that men can do it, though; Hinds admits he encountered an attempt to cast him in the hunky house-husband role.
  5. The velvet-covered book features 42 hunky men in different locations around the country.
  6. Then she rallied and, like Jake, was ready to do battle with any one who hunched their shoulders at Miss Dory.
  7. Cuss him to-night, ef he's alive; an' ef his bed is soff' as wool, doan let him sleep for thinkin' of Miss Dory.
  8. Miss Dory never tole nothin'; she was silent as de grave about—him—de fader of de lill chile, I mean.
  9. Miss Dory would say so, but, Mas'r Crompton, you'll fotch her back sometime to de ole place.
  10. "I'se 'most as ole as Miss Dory when lill chile was born," was the reply, which silenced the Colonel with regard to her age.