hungrily / ˈhʌŋ gri /


hungrily 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective

hun·gri·er, hun·gri·est.

  1. having a desire, craving, or need for food; feeling hunger.
  2. indicating, characteristic of, or characterized by hunger: He approached the table with a hungry look.
  3. strongly or eagerly desirous.
  4. lacking needful or desirable elements; not fertile; poor: hungry land.
  5. marked by a scarcity of food: The depression years were hungry times.
  6. Informal. aggressively ambitious or competitive, as from a need to overcome poverty or past defeats: a hungry investment firm looking for wealthy clients.

hungrily 近义词


等同于 eagerly


  1. After nine hours hosing down machinery at a food processing plant, Garcia is tired and hungry.
  2. I suspect, however, if the company does market this it will see significant demand from local business owners who are hungry for help and information.
  3. My mother never had to tell us to eat our food because there were hungry kids in Africa or China.
  4. Solid is intended to “evolve the web in order to restore balance,” Berners-Lee said in 2018, when he unveiled the project as a reaction against the takeover of online life by data-hungry Big Tech firms.
  5. There are plenty of other hungry creatures in this world, not just your spouse and the kids.
  6. I hungrily devoured this wild conspiratorial narrative, eager to be a young Jedi in the rebellion against the evolutionary Empire.
  7. Kansas 3rd Congressional District Another Blue Dog retirement has the GOP circling hungrily.
  8. The most photographed, hungrily consumed woman in a society says as much about us as about her.
  9. No one eats their young (or themselves) more hungrily than journalists.
  10. Tom easily found the mightier scale his aching heart so hungrily desired.
  11. "I think stew is much better the second day," observed Benny, eating hungrily.
  12. One of the horses was hobbled, and they were all eating hungrily the grass that grew along the gully's sides.
  13. He eagerly welcomed these memories, and hungrily held them close.
  14. The supper was good, and for many weeks Sylvia had not eaten so hungrily.