houseplant / ˈhaʊsˌplænt, -ˌplɑnt /


houseplant 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. an ornamental plant that is grown indoors or adapts well to indoor culture.


  1. Attendees are encouraged to bring their own plants to understand their “voices,” but will also be able to take a small houseplant home with them.
  2. Most common houseplants that you’ve grown inside for their entire lives should be fine, but you might have to leave your orange and lemon trees behind, even if they’re inside.
  3. Shredded newspaper and paper, cardboard, houseplants, grass clippings and yard trimmings, leaves, fireplace ashes, hair, fur, sawdust, wood chips and natural fiber fabric scraps are also good candidates for composting.
  4. Every episode of his TV show was a single shot of himself seated at a desk, books behind him, a globe on the desk, a small houseplant on the side.
  5. Monrovia also has nurseries in Connecticut, Georgia and Oregon, and it sells houseplants and container-garden plants, as well as outdoor-garden-only plants.
  6. The Norfolk Island pine is another popular houseplant that asks only to be kept cool and moist.