horribleness / ˈhɔr ə bəl, ˈhɒr- /


horribleness 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. causing or tending to cause horror; shockingly dreadful: a horrible sight.
  2. extremely unpleasant; deplorable; disgusting: horrible living conditions.

horribleness 近义词


等同于 unpleasantness

horribleness 的近义词 4
horribleness 的反义词 5


  1. “What we went through in 2016 was a totally different experience, and the pressure was horrible,” she said.
  2. The top slider is called “Happiness” and pushing it to its maximum produced this horrible result that will almost certainly haunt you well after you’ve closed this article.
  3. Part of me feels the pain of some damaged soul who had horrible demons placed upon his soul.
  4. “We thought with the pandemic we would have a little bit of respite from horrible policies targeting asylum-seekers, but they continue,” immigration attorney Tammy Lin said.
  5. So, we know in urban environments — this was happening before the pandemic and it’s only been accelerated now — that the retail environment is horrible.
  6. But somehow the blind men themselves seldom seem to be overwhelmed by its horribleness.
  7. He could not tell what fears had crowded upon him—they were indistinct in their horribleness—but some of them had already flown.
  8. If I have one horror on earth which transcends all other horrors in horribleness, that horror is—pirates.
  9. Amidst the horribleness of the dead, the men fought and lived.
  10. Cain's words therefore are here to be understood affirmatively, and they show the horribleness of his despair.