hiccough / ˈhɪk ʌp, -əp /


hiccough2 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a quick, involuntary inhalation that follows a spasm of the diaphragm and is suddenly checked by closure of the glottis, producing a short, relatively sharp sound.
  2. Usually hiccups. the condition of having such spasms: She got the hiccups just as she began to speak.
  3. Informal. a minor difficulty, interruption, setback, etc.: a hiccup in the stock market.
v. 无主动词 verb

hic·cuped or hic·cupped, hic·cup·ing or hic·cup·ping.

  1. to make the sound of a hiccup: The motor hiccuped as it started.
  2. to have the hiccups.
  3. Informal. to experience a temporary decline, setback, interruption, etc.: There was general alarm when the economy hiccuped.

hiccough 近义词


等同于 hiccup

hiccough 的近义词 1


  1. Involuntarily Howell gave a little hiccough of emotion, which answered Dafydd sufficiently.
  2. At this moment a hiccough was heard, and a rather fast and rakish-looking chap, named Stagger, spoke up.
  3. "Heaven save us from meeting any more such driftwood," said the pilot unsteadily with a hiccough.
  4. She told Esprit (one of the doctors) that it was the death-hiccough.
  5. His face was white and drawn, and every now and then he shook with a hiccough.