herded 的 2 个定义
- a number of animals kept, feeding, or traveling together; drove; flock: a herd of cattle;a herd of sheep;a herd of zebras.
- Sometimes Disparaging. a large group of people: The star was mobbed by a herd of autograph seekers.
- any large quantity: a herd of bicycles.
- the herd, the common people; masses; rabble: He had no opinions of his own, but simply followed the herd.
- to unite or go in a herd; assemble or associate as a herd.
herded 近义词
gather; shepherd
- Also, herd immunity alone did not successfully control or eradicate the disease.
- While herd immunity might put the end of the pandemic in sight, experts estimate that around 40 to 60 percent of a population would need to be infected to reach it.
- To put it simply, herd immunity is the scientific theory that if enough of a population builds antibodies or gains immunity against a pathogen, they can protect those who are more vulnerable to infection.
- The concept of “herd immunity” appears to be making a comeback as cases rise and governments struggle to control the virus while often resisting full-scale lockdowns of the type seen in the spring.
- There are lessons we can learn from these previous infectious diseases but this goes beyond poorly understood concepts of herd immunity, elimination or learning to live with a virus.
- There are little kids darting up and down the bleachers, being herded by moms and dads, grandmothers and grandfathers.
- One man claimed all the villagers were herded into a school.
- When foreign sailors called at Odessa they were all herded to one specific bar called Inter Club.
- We were herded into a chilly waiting room waiting for the Britannia to be refueled.
- But a far worse fate awaited the women and children, who were herded into a nearby church and locked inside.
- Seven o'clock in the morning is too early for any rational human being to be herded into a factory at the call of a steam whistle.
- He tilled his fields, herded his flocks, attended him in war, and assisted him in special emergencies with money.
- He did not intend to be herded into the gloomy company of a lot of beaten and sulking Welsh nationalists!
- In half a minute the dry slab stuff that the bunks were built of was ablaze and the boss herded us to the door.
- "A nasty crew," Carver remarked to Peter Gross as the pirates were herded on the beach under the rifles of his company.