herbal / ˈɜr bəl, ˈhɜr- /


herbal2 个定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. of, relating to, or consisting of herbs.
n. 名词 noun
  1. a book about herbs or plants, usually describing their medicinal values.
  2. a herbarium.

herbal 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective


herbal 的近义词 4


  1. Making your own herbal syrup is easy no matter what herbs you choose.
  2. For me it’s sweet, earthy, herbal, sharp, wild, and dark, with a whole world opening up inside that flavor.
  3. While a bit obscure, this hardy herbal plant lends itself well to a variety of culinary pursuits.
  4. Also, little assurance exists that herbal supplements contain the plant parts that consumers expect.
  5. The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health also provides assessments of herbal supplements and other alternative products that consumers can look up.
  6. Since coffee can irritate the gut, she suggests opting for herbal tea instead.
  7. Another student said he had started selling herbal supplements on the side and offered me a free sample.
  8. They choose herbal remedies instead of well-researched medications and operations to treat serious illnesses like cancer.
  9. It is judiciously salted with a toasty herbal twist—more about comfort than culinary pyrotechnics.
  10. You could also try aromatherapy, drinking hot herbal tea, or taking a hot bath 90 minutes before sleep.
  11. It is true that Culpeper's Herbal appeared later, but this bombastic work was of no botanical value.
  12. Elecampane, now known as the sweetmeat of childhood, was esteemed for ages in the domestic herbal.
  13. A thought is very little more than a dry flower; but the man has perished and the flower still lies in the herbal.
  14. On returning to his father's house, he found a copy of Gerard's Herbal, which fixed his taste.
  15. The Herbal published by Matthiolus at Venice in the year 1633 is a particularly fine book.