grassy / ˈgræs i, ˈgrɑ si /


grassy 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective

grass·i·er, grass·i·est.

  1. covered with grass.
  2. of, like, or pertaining to grass; grasslike.
  3. of the color of grass: grassy green.

grassy 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective



  1. Snow that falls initially in our southern areas Thursday afternoon and early in the evening may have trouble accumulating except on grassy areas with temperatures initially a bit above freezing.
  2. Temperatures have fallen to 33 to 35 degrees, cold enough for a wet coating of snow on grassy areas in some areas.
  3. We could see the wreckage on the hillside, and it was on fire, spreading flames to the nearby grassy area.
  4. Reviewing Sunday’s forecastOn Sunday, our prediction of one to four inches, mostly on grassy areas, worked out for large parts of the region.
  5. Temperatures near and a little above freezing portend a wet snow that tends to accumulate more on grassy areas.
  6. He stood up and stepped to the picture window that looks out over the grassy courtyard separating the two buildings.
  7. On the day the news broke of Titanic's arrest in the Rothstein case, Grassy Sprain started the legend rolling.
  8. Members of the Grassy Sprain Country Club, near New York City, blurted out a story that had been on their minds for a month.
  9. The land stayed level, wound through young trees, then out to a steep, grassy slope.
  10. You went back between the cars and stood on a grassy hill which overlooks the road.
  11. The canoe touched the grassy bank at the edge of the old Carter place at the far end of the lake just before noon.
  12. It is set behind a grassy front yard and there is a little garden at the back.
  13. Inside there was a grassy court, surrounded by the walls and ruined apartments of the castle.
  14. And her sides shone red as blood—red as they had shone on the grassy lawn of an old chateau near far-off Vienna.
  15. On a grassy bank we captured a firefly and shut him in between the glass and the face of our pocket compass.