hardhearted / ˈhɑrdˈhɑr tɪd /


hardhearted 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. unfeeling; unmerciful; pitiless.

hardhearted 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective

cold, cruel


  1. The knight would be only a hardhearted warrior, oppressing the poor and miserable, and only interesting from his deeds of valor.
  2. Sally was mysteriously hardhearted about them, while fully admitting their claims on the public.
  3. He asked himself if he had not been hardhearted to fly away without saying good-bye to Solomon.
  4. But he knew of course there wouldn't any lady be hardhearted enough not to buy a picture of her own baby.
  5. It would be a hardhearted bandit who would despoil the gentle angler of his basket of trouts.