grandstander / ˈgrænˌstænd, ˈgrænd- /


grandstander3 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the main seating area of a stadium, racetrack, parade route, or the like, usually consisting of tiers with rows of individual seats.
  2. the people sitting in these seats.
v. 无主动词 verb

grand·stand·ed, grand·stand·ing.

  1. to conduct oneself or perform showily or ostentatiously in an attempt to impress onlookers: The senator doesn't hesitate to grandstand if it makes her point.
adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. situated in a grandstand: grandstand seats.
  2. having a vantage point resembling that of a grandstand: From our office windows on the third floor, we had a grandstand view of the parade.
  3. intended to impress an onlooker or onlookers: a grandstand catch.

grandstander 近义词


等同于 politician


等同于 bigmouth


等同于 exhibitionist

grandstander 的近义词 4

等同于 ham

grandstander 的近义词 4

等同于 braggart


等同于 vaunter


等同于 hot dog


  1. And now Sheriff Onstad was in the papers, calling Johnny a “grandstander,” a “Hollywood hero.”
  2. He describes Sherman as a grandstander who prefers “gimmicks” to concrete achievements.
  3. Gore comes off as a supercilious grandstander who gets swatted away dismissively by the brilliant Bill Clinton.
  4. Understand, when I say he's a grandstander I don't mean that he isn't sincere in his crusade to clean up the city.
  5. He's simply a grandstander in the way he does things and that makes it impossible for him to ever be a truly big man.
  6. A grandstander, a man who plays to the crowd instead of playing the game for what it's worth.
  7. He imagined he heard Brennan saying: "A grandstander, a grandstander to the last."
  8. Lefty is a cheap grandstander, and I'll settle with him myself.