gally / ˈgæl i /


gally 的定义

v. 有主动词 verb

gal·lied, gal·ly·ing.Chiefly Dialect.

  1. to frighten or scare.

gally 近义词


等同于 derisive


  1. Section I of Gally's essay, thoroughly conventional in nature, is omitted here.
  2. It is Gally's concept of the character as an art-form, however, which is most interesting to the modern scholar.
  3. Gally breaks sharply with earlier character-writers like Overbury who, he thinks, have departed from the Theophrastan method.
  4. Human nature, says Gally, is full of subtle shadings and agreeable variations which the v character ought to exploit.
  5. Gally's essay thus reflects fundamental changes in the English attitude toward human nature and its literary representation.