cocky / ˈkɒk i /


cocky 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective

cock·i·er, cock·i·est.

  1. arrogant; pertly self-assertive; conceited; He walked in with a cocky air.

cocky 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective



  1. Among other remarks, Rogozin has said that NASA should not get too cocky about its newfound access to space in case SpaceX's Crew Dragon vehicle "breaks."
  2. During the second snow of the next year, we got cocky and took on too many customers.
  3. It’s Bugs Bunny, in fact, who seems to channel Gashouse Gang star pitcher Dizzy Dean, with his cocky persona and homespun personality.
  4. Where are you going to, Henny-penny, Cocky-locky, and Ducky-daddles?
  5. Peter and Prince were the dearest dogs, and Cocky was a parrot that could say the most amusing things.
  6. I got to know of this affair through Robbins' backing up of Cocky, and telling Urquhart that nobody was afraid of him.
  7. “Cocky,” he said bravely, without a quiver of fear or flight, when Michael had charged upon him at sight to destroy him.
  8. So Kwaque remained in the two rooms, cooking and housekeeping for his master and caring for Michael and Cocky.