foxhound / ˈfɒksˌhaʊnd /


foxhound 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. any of several breeds of medium-sized hounds trained to hunt foxes and having a glossy coat in combinations of black, tan, and white.

foxhound 近义词


等同于 hunter


  1. The "Foxhound" was ordered down from Shanghai, and converted into a passenger steamer, for the benefit of our ship's company.
  2. The poor little "Foxhound" had a lively time of it, and proved herself unequal to such a buffetting.
  3. Suddenly a wave of recollection swept over him and he gave tongue like a foxhound.
  4. It included two greyhounds, a rough-coated deerhound, a foxhound, and the fawn-colored crossbred mentioned above.
  5. The foxhound is about two feet in height, and 120 of them would be considered an ample number for a quiet little fox hunt.