courser / ˈkɔr sər, ˈkoʊr- /


courser 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a person or thing that courses; hunter.
  2. a dog for coursing.

courser 近义词


等同于 hunter


  1. His coat-of-arms, that of the house of Friedwald, was richly emblazoned upon the housings of his courser.
  2. Cherries should, of courser be seeded, or pitted, when they are prepared in this way.
  3. Then he must run a race with a courser so fleet that he fairly spurns the ground under his flying footsteps.
  4. If our borders are invaded, it is only as the spur that is driven into the courser's flank to rouse his slumbering mettle.
  5. Gladly, said he, and they shook hands on it; a courser of Spain to an English hobby.