forum / ˈfɔr əm, ˈfoʊr əm /


forum 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural fo·rums, fo·ra [fawr-uh, fohr-uh]. /ˈfɔr ə, ˈfoʊr ə/.

  1. the marketplace or public square of an ancient Roman city, the center of judicial and business affairs and a place of assembly for the people.
  2. a court or tribunal: the forum of public opinion.
  3. an assembly, meeting place, television program, etc., for the discussion of questions of public interest.
  4. Also called online forum, internet forum, web forum . message board.
  5. the Forum, the forum in the ancient city of Rome.

forum 近义词

n. 名词 noun


n. 名词 noun



  1. For years, he said, they’d carried out attacks like this and handled payments on a well-known hacking forum.
  2. One of their products claims to collect 10 terabytes of data a day, or two to three petabytes per year, from web pages, forums, Twitter, Facebook, WeChat, and other sources.
  3. Jennifer has been in the SEO industry for over twenty-years, and she has helped the community through her writing, forum moderation, social media involvement, speaking and much more.
  4. He said the district did a tremendous job talking to parents and gathering data through parent forums in recent weeks, but feels those sentiments were ignored.
  5. During the days, smaller forums and panels will take place as well.
  6. Andrew still plans to fly to Davos in Switzerland for the World Economic Forum on January 21, representing the British government.
  7. After his death, Jackson tried to speak up for her friend on a Facebook forum.
  8. This is a forum for the voices defining the global struggle for justice.
  9. Chris Brown announced onstage at The Forum in Los Angeles on Friday night.
  10. There were a number of people who could have convened a forum of Charter 77, or meetings with other, smaller opposition groups.
  11. A third, circular temple stood between the forum and the south gate.
  12. The Callevan Forum seems in general simpler than others, but its basilica is remarkably large.
  13. If the ceremony took place on the lberlia, the forum was sure to be crowded with similar processions of rejoicing friends.
  14. When the address in the forum was not authorized, one was sometimes given more privately at the grave or at the house.
  15. In case they come to no agreement, they shall before noon enter the case in the comitium or forum.