floppy / ˈflɒp i /


floppy2 个定义

adj. 形容词 adjective

flop·pi·er, flop·pi·est.

  1. tending to flop.
n. 名词 noun

plural flop·pies.

floppy 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective


floppy 的近义词 10
floppy 的反义词 2


  1. We’ve rounded up the best of the bunch, from cat trees to a floppy fish cat toy to automatic cat toys, and more to keep your cat happy and entertained throughout all her nine lives.
  2. The animals developed different coat patterns, floppier ears, tails that curled over their backs—totally unknown in wild foxes.
  3. The Hawks use him in floppy action, staggered double screens, screen-for-screener plays and as the third man in Spain pick and rolls.
  4. Our room is four feet by eight feet, which is a great size for spreading out a yoga mat and having extra space off the sides for floppy knees or elbows.
  5. Feel free to put on your sunglasses and a floppy hat while you read if it helps make you feel a little more tropical.
  6. So the discs get all floppy, swollen, pop out left, pop out right.
  7. His hair is less gray than it is now, less bristly, more floppy.
  8. The 29-year-old actor, with his floppy hair and nerd-cute, Everyman attractiveness, looks like the Nice Guy.
  9. The woman who grasped Britain's unions by the neck and hurled them repeatedly against the wall, like some floppy rag doll.
  10. I wear a floppy bonnet with peacock feathers and whisper Hail Marys under my breath until noon, when I break for snacks.
  11. "We are ready," said Nancy, tying the white ribbons of a floppy straw hat under Anne-Marie's chin.
  12. By whisking the joss-sticks around by their floppy handles you can make all sorts of fiery circles.
  13. Dulcie wore embroidered white and a floppy hat, and her eyes when she talked to Mills were worshipful.
  14. They were now the most ridiculous looking things imaginable, wings floppy, heads hanging.
  15. Under her mammoth floppy hat reminding you of an early summer rose.