firkin / ˈfɜr kɪn /


firkin 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a British unit of capacity usually equal to a quarter of a barrel.
  2. a small wooden vessel or tub for butter, lard, etc.

firkin 近义词


等同于 keg


等同于 barrel


等同于 cask

firkin 的近义词 8

等同于 tub

firkin 的近义词 8

等同于 container


  1. This dainty way, however, would hardly make a bad article good, and no one would crave a berry of ancient firkin butter.
  2. A firkin or a large pail which does not leak and which can be devoted to the purpose is needed for slacking the lime.
  3. One of these like the butter firkin on shore, could not patiently submit to everything, and—broke!
  4. The bottom of a butter firkin can stand what is reasonable, but what self–respecting firkin will submit to everything?
  5. Down he came, partly in the firkin and partly outside of it, falling in a very mixed condition.