fest / fɛst /


fest 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. an assembly of people engaged in a common activity: filmfest; gabfest; love-fest; poetry fest.

fest 近义词


等同于 heavy-hearted


等同于 feast


  1. Feeling much compassion for the Tennesseans behind this beloved fest.
  2. Potters at Southeast fests, for example, are more likely to have “face jug” pitchers native to the area.
  3. Decades later, at whatever fan fest or old timers’ day, when the subject of 2019 comes up — or 1983 in Baltimore or 2004 in Boston or 2016 on the North Side of Chicago — smiles appear on every face, including players.
  4. She knew the firefighter because he had worked with her husband, Kevin, the town’s library director, on the local jazz fest.
  5. Halloween isn’t a single day for the industry but rather a 10-week treat-buying fest.
  6. On Pumpkin Fest weekend, they did things a little differently.
  7. At Lebowski Fest New York City, The Dudes come out in full force.
  8. “If anyone makes fun of the contestants or thinks this is some sort of shaming fest, we kick them out,” she says firmly.
  9. I was like, if anybody had any idea the love fest that was happening at this set at all times.
  10. I once did a piece for the New York Times travel section on what to do in town during Jazz Fest.
  11. The city was splendidly decorated with flags, and the "Fest" was a grand success in every respect.
  12. It is uncomfortable to stand through a visit––and I mean to have a long talk-fest with you, if you will be so kind.
  13. Ich bin fest wie ein Mauer,—fest wie ein Berg, ich halte Sie gewiss, or some such expression.
  14. At first he seemed to be divided between rushing me with a poker and sitting down for a swear-fest.
  15. Unfortunately, too, it was under conditions which made it impracticable to relieve his feelings in a swear-fest.