fairyland / ˈfɛər iˌlænd /


fairyland 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the imaginary realm of fairies.
  2. any enchantingly beautiful region.

fairyland 近义词


等同于 utopia


等同于 lotus land


等同于 fantasy


等同于 heaven


  1. Even now, at 9, she has one foot in reality and the other in a kind of fairyland, and sometimes the boundaries between the two are hard to define.
  2. Tunku Varadarajan asks, did Greg Smith just wake up from a fairyland?
  3. To address Fleurette, impalpable creation of fairyland, as “old girl” was particularly distasteful.
  4. "Why, she was very old and was all dried up and withered before Oz became a fairyland," explained the Scarecrow.
  5. A coach and four, a Cinderella coach, would be the 28 only suitable equipage in which to make this journey into fairyland.
  6. It is neither the amiable fairyland of Callot nor the bourgeois pessimism 53 of Hogarth.
  7. Silent like a cloud, the group moves onward—a sweet-scented apparition from fairyland.