cloudland / ˈklaʊdˌlænd /


cloudland 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the sky.
  2. a region of unreality, imagination, etc.; dreamland.

cloudland 近义词


等同于 lotus land


  1. I looked down upon a real world; you were caught up in a beautiful cloudland and shut away from me.
  2. The fleecy cloudland which seemed to lie before us, as we looked away from Pueblo, was resolving itself into savage alps.
  3. The hidden sun made the haze faintly luminous about this wandering flock of cloudland.
  4. But no—a little later, after we had reached the farm, we saw that the elfs of cloudland were still at play.
  5. In the west was a steep range of cloudland rising from the sea, and against it was inclined the flame of a rainbow.