fair-minded / ˈfɛərˈmaɪn dɪd /


fair-minded 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. characterized by fair judgment; impartial; unprejudiced: a wise and fair-minded judge.

fair-minded 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective



  1. Even internally in the House, women are not getting their fair shake.
  2. Vicky Ward was a contributing editor to Vanity Fair for 11 years.
  3. Frustrating as regulars find these fair-weather exercise interlopers, they were also all beginners once, he says.
  4. Perhaps it always seems that way at the time, but surely we face our fair share right now.
  5. To be fair, no artist had ever been asked to, or could have pulled it off if they had.
  6. Finally, let me ask the general reader to put aside all prejudice, and give both sides a fair hearing.
  7. Grandmamma sits in her quaint arm-chair— Never was lady more sweet and fair!
  8. They will reach you by the hands of Mr. Mackenzie, a worldly-minded Scotch merchant, but honest as to earthly things.
  9. He was tall and of familiar figure, and the firelight was playing in the tossed curls of his short, fair hair.
  10. Mary is fair as the morning dew— Cheeks of roses and ribbons of blue!