equipping / ɪˈkwɪp /


equipping 的定义

v. 有主动词 verb

e·quipped, e·quip·ping.

  1. to furnish or provide with whatever is needed for use or for any undertaking; fit out, as a ship or army: They spent several thousand dollars to equip their boat.
  2. to dress; array: He equipped himself in all his finery.
  3. to furnish with intellectual or emotional resources; prepare: Education and travel have equipped her to deal with all sorts of people.

equipping 近义词

v. 动词 verb

make ready with supplies


  1. Each cabinet holds A4 Hanging Files, and come equipped with key lock systems.
  2. The moment when cybersecurity experts would have to worry about quantum computer-equipped hackers seemed a long way off—at least a quarter century by some estimates—and there were far more pressing threats.
  3. This tube is equipped with three EVA foam seating pads, neoprene handles, and a “kwik-connect” system for an easy hook-up.
  4. The answer is to fund their training and make sure that they are equipped with the things that they need to be able to handle situations in a better way.
  5. If we hope to change this cycle, we must equip ourselves with the tools to do so.
  6. In September, Congress authorized the train-and-equip mission in Syria as part of a larger spending package.
  7. Congress authorized the train-and-equip mission in mid-September, but two months later, recruitment has not even begun.
  8. Irritated members of Congress say that the authorization of the train-and-equip mission is merely about optics.
  9. Officials and experts acknowledge that the plan to train and equip a new rebel army from scratch will take years.
  10. He then called on Congress to authorize a program to train and equip 5,000 rebels per year in Saudi Arabia, which they did.
  11. To equip a dull, respectable person with wings would be but to make a parody of an angel.
  12. If you fail at some point, then arms enough to equip a brigade of Mexican rebels may cross the river to-night.
  13. We have plenty of money saved to equip you, and maintain you well for a year or so; but after that you may require more.
  14. Some, however, remained behind, to equip and despatch reinforcements as men continued to arrive asking to be enrolled.
  15. It took years to train a legionnaire and a lot of money to equip an army and keep it in the field.