emigration / ˌɛm ɪˈgreɪ ʃən /


emigration 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. an act or instance of emigrating.
  2. a body of emigrants; emigrants collectively.
  3. Physiology. diapedesis.

emigration 近义词

n. 名词 noun



  1. After the war, they got “faux married” for emigration papers, thus changing their names, and then, they changed them again to suit the languages of the countries where they ended up.
  2. These conflicts generated huge surges in emigration from Central America, establishing the migration patterns that persist today.
  3. Chuseok, too, is a kind of new year for my mother and her emigration from Korea.
  4. Emigration, which hit epic levels in the 1980s and 1990s, seems to have tapered off.
  5. “This is not just a blip in emigration,” according to the Bundesagentur fur Arbeit report.
  6. Some like Sam, who praised the policy, said it encourages gay emigration.
  7. Either way, emigration is the end result for some gay Iranians.
  8. (Agencies, Ynet) Dramatic drop of 35% in Israeli emigration to US—Lowest number since 2003.
  9. Emigration is now proceeding with gigantic strides, and is destined for some time to continue.
  10. But this great re-emigration produced evils of no common magnitude in Brazil.
  11. For this reason they introduced the subject of emigration to Canada, and a proper institution for the education of the youth.
  12. This important inquiry we shall answer, and find a remedy in when treating of the emigration of the colored people.
  13. The train of baggage, which is always sent on before on these occasions, resembles a small emigration party.