colonization [ kŏl′ə-nĭ-zāshən ]


colonization 的定义

    colonization 近义词

    n. 名词 noun

    settlement of area


    1. In that spirit, he originally favored colonization, that is, sending blacks back to Africa.
    2. Historians have their own theories, involving trade and colonization, but this sounds more likely.
    3. Behind the Iron Curtain, Manea had the opportunity to observe this colonization of sorts at close quarters.
    4. So white Americans came up with an alternative: colonization.
    5. By the 1830s, it became clear that colonization was not a viable solution.
    6. But why deem any argument necessary to show the unrighteousness of colonization?
    7. Bushrod Washington, a nephew of George Washington, served as one of the presidents of this national colonization society.
    8. One thing we do know, that he left the Colonization Society, because he could not conscientiously subscribe to its measures.
    9. We dismiss it without further comment—and with it Colonization in toto—and Mr. Birney de facto.
    10. Roman colonization resembled, far less than that of the Greeks, the original settlements of this country.