effusion 的定义
- the act of effusing or pouring forth.
- something that is effused.
- an unrestrained expression, as of feelings: poetic effusions.
- Pathology. the escape of a fluid from its natural vessels into a body cavity.the fluid that escapes.
- Physics. the flow of a gas through a small orifice at such density that the mean distance between the molecules is large compared with the diameter of the orifice.
effusion 近义词
- Skipper Worse growled a little and rubbed his head, when Sivert Gesvint pressed his hand and welcomed him with effusion.
- This she said with unusual effusion; generally the relations between the mother and daughter were a trifle stiff.
- Mr. Pope read to us an odd kind of Latin-English effusion of the Dean's, which made us shake with laughter.
- There is an intensity and effusion of spirit in them, in which his own more studied compositions are somewhat wanting.
- Let us have your news anyway, and forgive this silly stale effusion.