domical / ˈdoʊ mɪ kəl, ˈdɒm ɪ- /


domical 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. domelike.
  2. having a dome.

domical 近义词


等同于 round


等同于 globoid


等同于 globular


等同于 spheric


  1. The vaults are all slightly domical in section; the diagonal ribs generally semi-circular, as also are the wall-ribs.
  2. In both cases the vaulting is very domical, and the joints of the stone filling-in of the cells are vertical.
  3. The vault sections of the side aisles, however, remained domical, as originally built.
  4. The French term bomb is more exact than such expressions as domical and domed.
  5. Three huge so-called domical vaults, truly Gothic in construction, span the sixty-foot unaisled nave of St. Maurice.