spherical / ˈsfɛr ɪ kəl, ˈsfɪər- /


spherical 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. having the form of a sphere; globular.
  2. formed in or on a sphere, as a figure.
  3. of or relating to a sphere or spheres.
  4. pertaining to the heavenly bodies, or to their supposed revolving spheres or shells.
  5. pertaining to the heavenly bodies regarded astrologically as exerting influence on humankind and events.

spherical 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective


adj. 形容词 adjective


spherical 的近义词 3
adj. 形容词 adjective

like a sphere


  1. There’s all sorts of extra complexity, from mountains to atmospheres to oceans and rivers, when rocky worlds grow big enough for their own gravity to make them spherical.
  2. In fact, the very first study to use the phrase “Brazil nut effect,” published in Physical Review Letters in 1987, was done on spherical objects, he says.
  3. The discovery of an ancient star SMSS J2003-1142 in the Milky Way’s halo—which is the roughly spherical region that surrounds the galaxy—is providing the first evidence for another source for heavy elements, including uranium and possibly gold.
  4. Also called round zucchini, these spherical beauties can be used much the same as their elongated brethren.
  5. He’s convinced his spherical probe can see mountains at scales not possible from orbit.
  6. Objects more massive than a certain amount are more spherical than not, while punier specimens are lumpy and irregular.
  7. And, oh, occasionally, the golden snitch—a flying spherical ball—will flutter into the proceedings, creating chaos.
  8. When it is new, and also when in its waning stages it is visible in the daytime, the spherical form is very apparent.
  9. We may note that in a few months of heavy weather the stones of such a fall have all been reduced to rudely spherical forms.
  10. These bits are commonly distinctly faceted; they rarely have a spherical form.
  11. Upon these spherical aggregations of the clouds the winds act in extremely varied ways.
  12. He was crouching, the spherical plastic object in his right hand, his thumb over the button, when the field collapsed.