dissoluble / dɪˈsɒl yə bəl /


dissoluble 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. capable of being dissolved: tablets dissoluble in water.
  2. capable of being destroyed, as through disintegration or decomposition.

dissoluble 近义词


等同于 divisible


等同于 soluble


等同于 solvable

dissoluble 的近义词 2


  1. If, to avoid this, you made marriage dissoluble, you would really make women the slaves of their husbands.
  2. But marriage, it is said, would be too lightly entered into if it were so easily dissoluble.
  3. In consequence, he has believed this agent immortal; not dissoluble like the body.
  4. The ground has been taken that woman would lose her dignity if marriages were dissoluble.
  5. I felt how frail, how dissoluble, were the fiery links that bound my feeble spirit to that strong immortal.