dissipating / ˈdɪs əˌpeɪt /


dissipating2 个定义

v. 有主动词 verb

dis·si·pat·ed, dis·si·pat·ing.

  1. to scatter in various directions; disperse; dispel.
  2. to spend or use wastefully or extravagantly; squander; deplete: to dissipate one's talents; to dissipate a fortune on high living.
v. 无主动词 verb

dis·si·pat·ed, dis·si·pat·ing.

  1. to become scattered or dispersed; be dispelled; disintegrate: The sun shone and the mist dissipated.
  2. to indulge in extravagant, intemperate, or dissolute pleasure.

dissipating 近义词

v. 动词 verb

expend, spend

v. 动词 verb



  1. Decelerating from 20,000mph dissipates a lot of heat, which is why they carry heat shields, and the final touchdown is controlled by parachutes.
  2. Several potential threats to the one-week funding bill appeared to dissipate on Friday.
  3. Those particles may spread farther or linger longer than the visible exhalation plume, which dissipates quickly to a level of concentration the camera can no longer detect.
  4. Those samples could help scientists better understand the history of the moon, shedding light on questions such as how it cooled over time and how its magnetic field dissipated.
  5. That likelihood depends, in part, on how much extra energy was absorbed and dissipated on the way.
  6. This fear, while still evident in some areas, appears to be dissipating.
  7. It covered 61 miles in Moore and the surrounding towns before dissipating in Midwest City, Oklahoma.
  8. If this were just about Planned Parenthood or yet another battle over abortion, the outrage would be dissipating.
  9. The momentum that both sides had developed for peace was dissipating rapidly.
  10. A ready mode of dissipating anxiety originating from such a cause must now appear obvious.
  11. The schools must see to it that the desultory and dissipating methods of reading, so prevalent in the home, are not encouraged.
  12. The cloud cover, broken some time since, was dissipating and now a good two-thirds of the sky was wholly clear.
  13. In dissipating the allied troops by their threats, they had taken care not to dissipate their own.
  14. Before the astonished eyes of the Terrestrials the cylinders grew thin and vanished like a puff of smoke dissipating in a wind.