discrete / dɪˈskrit /


discrete 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. apart or detached from others; separate; distinct: six discrete parts.
  2. consisting of or characterized by distinct or individual parts; discontinuous.
  3. Mathematics. having the property that every subset is an open set.defined only for an isolated set of points: a discrete variable.using only arithmetic and algebra; not involving calculus: discrete methods.

discrete 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective



  1. In 1990, Keresztély Corrádi and Sándor Szabó came up with just such a discrete object.
  2. In other words, rather than looking at nematode worm genes, we have a discrete population of humans who’ve already won the genetic lottery when it comes to aging.
  3. Backlinks should be included in a discrete and meaningful way.
  4. Molecular biologists must pinpoint which genes out of many thousands interact as a discrete network to produce a given trait.
  5. To break these tasks down into little discrete jobs that could be performed really without much skill or knowledge.
  6. And it has become a system far more driven by the demands of branding and marketing than by recognizing clearly discrete locality.
  7. At this point, the output becomes the digital, discrete signal.
  8. It was carried out over a period of a little more than two years in four discrete, limited-time operations.
  9. The Executive is elected in broad national elections in which discrete and insular minorities carry less weight.
  10. I finished a novel, El héroe discrete, that will be published in September in Spanish.
  11. The lesions in this disease are commonly discrete—separate one from another—but they may be crowded together.
  12. It seems that we have above treated of quantity, and classified both discrete and continuous quantity38 among other "beings."
  13. This then is the element common to number (the discrete quantity), and to continuous dimension.
  14. Musical tones are discrete,—the voice passes from pitch to pitch through the intervals silently.
  15. Even the nervous system, which appears to act as a co-ordinating centre, is itself an aggregate of discrete cells.