dicta / ˈdɪk tə /


dicta 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a plural of dictum.


  1. From here on, he was a philosopher, a sage, and his interviews were stuffed full of dicta, parables and eternal paradoxes.
  2. Although such concerns only appear as dicta in Baby Girl, there is no question that they are present.
  3. Sed dicta puella semper fuit opinionis quod opportebat ire Remis.
  4. It might be said of these two societies, as was said of Demosthenes and Themistocles, 'Illius dicta, hujus facta magis valebant.
  5. Vitatur etiam duriorum inter se congressus, unde pellexit et collegit, et qu alio loco dicta sunt.
  6. Enatum inde monumentum aere perennius, licet passim appareant sinistre dicta, minus perfecta, veritati non satis consentanea.
  7. Que Germania sic dicta erat, quia instar ramorum germinancium ab arbore, sic nomen regnaque germania nuncupantur.