devoutness / dɪˈvaʊt /


devoutness 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective

de·vout·er, de·vout·est.

  1. devoted to divine worship or service; pious; religious: a devout Catholic.
  2. expressing devotion or piety: devout prayer.
  3. earnest or sincere; hearty: He had a devout allegiance to the political regime.

devoutness 近义词

n. 名词 noun



  1. Experience shows us a vast difference between devoutness and goodness.
  2. Bach was essentially a Christian, and this element of devoutness, of worship, shines out in everything he wrote.
  3. What she achieved through saintliness and devoutness, they make her out to have accomplished by intelligent enthusiasm.
  4. Class differences as regards devoutness are but a special expression of a generic fact.
  5. The pastor read a blessing, which was not listened to with any further devoutness.