to swallow or eat up hungrily, voraciously, or ravenously.
to consume destructively, recklessly, or wantonly: Fire devoured the old museum.
to engulf or swallow up.
to take in greedily with the senses or intellect: to devour the works of Freud.
to absorb or engross wholly: a mind devoured by fears.
Although insects had devoured the original feather vanes and barbs, the shafts were still visible, wrapped around yucca fiber cords.
These findings suggest that most of the mercury in deep-sea critters comes from human activities, rather than being released by undersea volcanoes and hydrothermal vents, and is devoured by scavengers when they encounter newly sunk fish carcasses.
It means the strongest embryo in the womb devours its weaker siblings.
I devoured stories about others who had gone through terrible times.
These tendrils devour the rich proteins, like collagen, found inside the bone.
We believe in the tariff because it keeps the hands of the producer close to the mouth of the devourer.
Gluttony is a prodigal consumer and devourer of the creatures of God.
The devourer of human flesh is called a cannibal, but what shall we call him who feeds upon the souls of men?
A huge box full of novels had come down, and Miss Macnulty was a great devourer of novels.
While I was still smiling about the stuck-up devourer of broken glass, I ran slap into Godkin, who used to be a neighbor of ours.