detrain / diˈtreɪn /


detrain 的定义

v. 无主动词 verb
  1. to alight from a railway train; arrive by train.
  2. Meteorology. to transfer air from an organized air current to the surrounding atmosphere.

detrain 近义词


等同于 light


等同于 descend


等同于 disembark


等同于 dismount

detrain 的近义词 7
detrain 的反义词 2


  1. A few short halts at stations, and we detrain at Suez, to resume our journey by sea; we have completed the overland portion of it.
  2. One unit took four and a half hours to detrain and several have taken more than three.
  3. There they were to detrain and search every boat coming down from the north.
  4. The troops will detrain somewhere this side the frontier, and we can all take our old seats.
  5. Things being as they were at that point, the Commissioner had Jenning's command detrain there.