derma / ˈdɜr mə /


derma 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. Anatomy, Zoology. dermis.

derma 近义词


等同于 lamina


等同于 skin


  1. Joni at Advanced Derma Laser on Madison Avenue adds some humor to the process and can go the distance.
  2. Because taxidermy uses “derma” (skin) to create a lifelike replica, a preserved creature triggers deep emotions in us.
  3. On its bursting, the blood flowed through the derma or thick skin over a round surface of the diameter of about half an inch.
  4. Directly after the rupture of the vesicle and the escape of the fluid, blood begins to ooze from the bare derma.
  5. It enters through small holes in the derma into a subdermal cavity, which separates the membrane from the bulk of the sponge.
  6. The connective-tissue elements in the derma are also swollen, and exhibit reversion to the embryonal state.
  7. It is not only admissible, but preferable, not to wound the derma at all.