demolishment / dɪˈmɒl ɪʃ /


demolishment 的定义

v. 有主动词 verb
  1. to destroy or ruin, especially on purpose; tear down; raze.
  2. to put an end to; destroy; explode: The results of his research demolished many theories.
  3. to lay waste to; ruin utterly: The fire demolished the area.
  4. Informal. to devour completely: We simply demolished that turkey.

demolishment 近义词


等同于 annihilation


等同于 collision


  1. In less than fifteen minutes he announced his return by a tattoo which threatened demolishment to the door.
  2. On the corner of this street was a most charming old façade in process of demolishment, which we deplored.
  3. From 1381 the year of its demolishment until 1509 it was little more than a ruin.
  4. He addressed himself to the demolishment of a ripe Cassaba melon.
  5. But he was thinking of the Jago as it had been—he had forgotten the demolishment.