demobilize / diˈmoʊ bəˌlaɪz /


demobilize 的定义

v. 有主动词 verb

de·mo·bi·lized, de·mo·bi·liz·ing.

  1. to disband.
  2. to discharge from military service.

demobilize 近义词

v. 动词 verb


demobilize 的近义词 5


  1. The criminal justice system’s demobilizing effects are different than either of these two features of our political system.
  2. But this week, even as a new cabinet was sworn in, the Houthis showed no signs of honoring their commitment to demobilize.
  3. She must demobilize existing air forces within two months and surrender aviation material.
  4. Russia would not demobilize her armies under a German threat.
  5. Therefore, on July 31 we demanded that Russia demobilize, this being the only measure which could save the peace of Europe.
  6. In England your weakness is that if you are ordered to demobilize men by classes, you'll do it.
  7. A similar disregard for the sovereign rights of greater States was shown in the demand that Russia should demobilize her forces.