daystar / ˈdeɪˌstɑr /


daystar 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a morning star.
  2. the sun.

daystar 近义词


等同于 morning star

daystar 的近义词 4
daystar 的反义词 2


  1. As we waited, suddenly the daystar flashed up over the mountains, a brilliant herald summoning the world to wake.
  2. Drawing a long breath, she enjoyed the coolness which precedes the departure of the daystar.
  3. The stars withdrew, marshaled by the Daystar, which last of all retired also.
  4. How art thou fallen, O Lucifer (Daystar), son of the morning!
  5. To-day, the Dawn and the Daystar: to-morrow, the Daystar arising in the heart.