lucifer / ˈlu sə fər /


lucifer 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a proud, rebellious archangel, identified with Satan, who fell from heaven.
  2. the planet Venus when appearing as the morning star.
  3. friction match.

lucifer 近义词

n. 名词 noun



  1. Arrested Development, Lucifer, and Designated Survivor are among shows that Netflix has saved from another network’s trash bin.
  2. In explaining him, some Yezidis likened him to Lucifer, whom the main Abrahamic traditions regard as the devil.
  3. The star fell from grace like a leather jogging pant-clad, tattooed Lucifer.
  4. And in her, the castles every story, was just another chamber of Lucifer's Laboratory.
  5. The author of I, Lucifer crafts a werewolf novel that is intelligent, fast-moving, creative, and thrilling.
  6. The king of Tyre, who affected to be like to God, shall fall under the like sentence with Lucifer.
  7. But what is here said to him is commonly understood of Lucifer, the king over all the children of pride.
  8. Furthermore, with the death of Albert Pike the cultus of Lucifer is said to have undergone a significant transfiguration.
  9. Manifestation of the signature of Baal-Zeboub, generalissimo of the armies of Lucifer, written in fire upon the void.
  10. He has done better than any other among the witnesses of Lucifer in his gleanings from Éliphas Lévi.