cribber / ˈkrɪb ər /


cribber 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a person who cribs.
  2. a horse that practices cribbing.

cribber 近义词

n. 名词 noun


cribber 的近义词 4


  1. Cribber has a lovely home, and a devoted wife, who has long been one of my wife's best friends.
  2. There's Cribber, for example, has become quite infatuated over the races, and loses no opportunity of going when the season is on.
  3. The vote-cribber acknowledges the compliment by filling his glass and drinking to the Judge.
  4. "Tom is about to leave us," says the old sailor, by way of diverting the vote-cribber's attention.
  5. This admonition of the vote-cribber had a deeper effect on the feelings of the inebriate than was indicated by his outward manner.