cresting / ˈkrɛs tɪŋ /


cresting 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. Architecture. a decorative coping, balustrade, etc., usually designed to give an interesting skyline.
  2. Furniture. ornamentation either carved or sawed in the top rail of a piece or else added to it.
  3. a system of ornamental ridges or flutes on a piece of plate armor.

cresting 近义词


等同于 peak


等同于 surmount


等同于 top


等同于 cap


等同于 crown


  1. Will it be totally sanitized and full of glass-box condos or is the wave cresting and the tide about to run out?
  2. When my siblings and I would see the planes cresting the mountains, we would line up, hoping they would let us board.
  3. With bacon-mania cresting, the question must be asked: What were we thinking?
  4. Beyond, the hill went upward suddenly with the curve of a cresting wave.
  5. Cresting a rise about three miles distant I made out a dark mass moving forward along our track, and that at a rapid rate.
  6. Three mornings they put out and fought it and the cresting seas it drove that turned to ice as they fell in-board.
  7. The trail ran along a narrow ledge cresting an abrupt but bushy steep.
  8. The Mission down below, in the dell, appeared in a bluish mist, only the cathedral cresting the hill.