creditableness / ˈkrɛd ɪ tə bəl /


creditableness 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. bringing or deserving credit, honor, reputation, or esteem.

creditableness 近义词

n. 名词 noun



  1. Any increase above that baseline is additional and creditable.
  2. Discredited voices get just as much love from the First Amendment as creditable ones, so the Cheneys can say whatever they want.
  3. Not many would disagree that Clapper has done a creditable job at ODNI.
  4. The poorest creditable person of either sex would be ashamed to appear in public without them.
  5. Smith did a creditable job narrating Pershing's (unsuccessful) 1916 expedition in pursuit of Pancho Villa.
  6. There were fine reporters such as Matthew Lysiak of the New York Daily News doing creditable work up there.
  7. Those whose intentions were strictly creditable, by some malignancy of fate, possessed no influence whatever.
  8. A credit—but that which is creditable to the African, cannot disgrace any into whose veins his blood may chance to flow.
  9. And indeed it was a creditable party; it would almost unanimously call itself, next day, a delightful one.
  10. Even the celebrated Mark Tapley would have considered the circumstances were fairly creditable.
  11. Sometimes there is more cry than wool in it; but taken altogether, and considering the place, it is creditable.